Fang's 40 Years Of Past
Rock N Roll History

Table of Contents

Fang's History Before Joining The Raiders

The Chancellors - 1962 to 1963
The first band Fang was in

Fang's History With Paul Revere & the Raiders

Paul Revere & the Raiders - 1965 to 1967
Fang's history with Paul Revere and the Raiders
Dick Clark's Where the Action Is
The Raiders history on Where the Action Is
The Ed Sullivan Show
The Raiders appearnce on the Ed Sullivan Show
The Raiders appearnce on the Hullabaloo Show

Fang's History After Leaving The Raiders
Brotherhood - 1968 to 1970
After the Raiders Fang, Drake Levin and Mike Smitty Smith left and formed a new band together called Brotherhood
Ricky Nelson's Stone Canyon Band - 1970
After Brotherhood Ricky Nelson asked Fang to become his new
bass guitar player - Fang's History with Rick Nelson
The Great Crowd - 1970 to 1972
After Ricky Nelson Put together a band Called The Great Crowd
The Friendship Train at Disneyland - 1972 to 1978
After The Great Crowd Fang, his wife Tina, and his two sisters
Marry & Jeannie formed a band at Disneyland called The Friendship Train
The Good Old Days with Dick Clark - 1978
In 1978 all five of the original RaidersFang, Drake, Smitty, Paul & Mark
were reunited on television by Dick Clark that was brodcast on national television called The Good Old Days
The Phil Volk & Tina Mason Band- 1980 to 1983
After The Friendship Train, Fang and his wife Tina formed a band together called The Phil Volk & Tina Mason Band
Anita Mann's A Blast From The Past- 1986 to 1995
After the Phil Volk & Tina Mason Band Fang was hired by Anita Mann to be the lead singer in her 60s Greese like show A Blast From The Past
Raider Reunion - 1997
In 1997 four of the original Raiders FANG, Drake, Smitty and Mark
had a reunion together in Portland Oregan
The American Rock All-Stars - 1998 to 2002
A band put together by original members from 3 popular 60s Rock Groups
Paul Revere & the Raiders, The Grassroots and The Buckinghams
Fang and the Gang - Past & Present
Fangs main band today. Fang and the Gang History
Next Page - The Chancellors
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This site is © 2000 - 2002 by Phil "FANG" Volk